Sunny Side /South Park Super Neighborhood

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Sunny Side /South Park Super Neighborhood

Updating History 7/1999 - 2/2000 to 5/2002

The Sunny Side/South Park Super Neighborhood has a history like no other super neighborhood out of all 88 super neighborhoods.

The first SSSPSN effort was organized by Rev. Robert Jefferson and Rev. Marvin Delaney, 7/99 to 2/2000. The other members included:

Permanent Organization Members:
Dianna Solsman
Ward Gray
Robert Glover
Graig A. Mithell
Willie Dunn
Rev. Robert Jefferson

The Executive Board

Rev. L. Joseph and Rev. R. Jefferson
Sandra Hines and Ira Dean Henderson
Robert Glover
Henry L. Nelson Jr.
Rev. James E. Nash
Rev. Marvin Delaney

This pioneering group did a good job to get things started. This group faced several challenges such as, being new, the power grabing of another group, leadership issues, the city of Houston's planning deparments'personnel mishandling and misunderstanding community politics and issues.
Second Effort To Organize
At a meetings of the Southeast Coalition of Civic Clubs Mayor Lee P. Brown presented the super neighborhood concept. An application was filled out the same night, I think in early Februray. The president of the coalition Bessie Swindle commissioned a nominating committee to put together a slate of potential officers. The nominating committee include Willie Dunn as chair, Lydia Stewart, Orvis Young and Claudet Edwards. The committee presented it's recommendations an election was held and the second exective board were voted on and included:

Charles X White, President
Bessie Swindle, First Vice President
Miller Ray Second Vice President
Rodney Jones, Third Vice President
Jeanie Ashiru, Secretary
Margret Jenkins, Assistant Secretary
Lydia Stewart, Corresponding Secretary
L. E. Chamberlain, Treasurer
Rev. Marvin Delaney, Parlimentarian

The Sunny Side/South Park Super Neighborhood was organized to include areas 71, 72, and 76. Sunny Side, South Park, South Acres and Crestmont. The first two-years were from 2000-2002. Officers are volunteers with no city funding although the city has an application process for city recogintion status. Legislative authority rest with the organizations by-laws and has nothing to do with city jurisdiction.

The only action item built into the super neighborhood is the Super Neighborhood Action Plan (SNAP)we turned in 65 community improvement projects and all but 9 were acepted.

Organizationally we tried to hold an executive board meeting every month and a general stakeholders meeting once every ninty days. The super neighborhood is not a civic club. It is designed to help mature area leaders to consult with each other and manage problems that involve an entire area as well as a specific neighborhood. Historically civic clubs deal with issues in their area, neighborhood oriented government is concerned with issues that affect a larger picture and specific neighborhoods.
In 1990 Rev. Robert Jefferson and other ministers got together to form Sunnyside Up. This was a community based organization designed to help citizens with affordable housing. Rev. Jefferson has built many homes in the Sunnyside and South Park community and still contributes to the quality of life in many parts of Houston.
In 1996 Bessie Swindle started organizing the Southeast Coalition of Civic Clubs with the same or similar structure as Sunnyside Neighborhood Center addressing civic issues and concerns. In 1998 the police storefront moved from 8008 Scott the original location, to it's present location 3511 Reed Rd.

Sunnyside Neighborhood Center was organized and pioneered by Charles X White 1986 to 1990. Charles pull together four original members in the order in which they were approached, Sagrent David Walker, Pastor Richard J. Lottt, Pastor E. R. Curvey and Charles X White.

This effort lead to many successes in the fight against drugs, gangs and capitol improvements. The collaborative included 18 PTA's, 22 precinct judges, 25 civic clubs, 35 churches as well as housing the first police storefront in the Sunny Side and South Park area staffed by volunteer Rev. James Jackson and paid staff officer L. E. Chamberlain (HPD) 1988 to 1998.

The impact of Sunnyside Neighborhood Center continues to be a benchmark in the onging legacy of stakeholders participation in community involvement in southeast Houston.

We will add to this history as we get to it. If there is something that you know can be added please send it to us to be included.

Committees and How they Function- 2000-2002

Sunny Side/South Park Super Neighborhood Review - December 31, 2001
Executive Board Projects
Charles X White
?˜ Civic Club Membership Drive (on going)
?˜ Junior Civic Clubs with HISD students (on going)
?˜ Fiesta Parties - Fund raisers for civic clubs (on going)
?˜ Seniors Citizens Summit and Job Fair (on going)
?˜ Businessman's Breakfast (on going)
?˜ Assist all other projects (as needed)
?˜ Policy and Procedures (as needed)
Miller Ray
?˜ Civic Club Listings (on going)
?˜ Assist all other projects (as needed)
?˜ Policy and Procedures (as needed)
Rodney Jones
?˜ Policy and Procedures (as needed)
?˜ Assist all other projects (as needed)
Margaret Jenkins
?˜ Neighborhood Clean Up
?˜ Contact Person (as needed)
?˜ Policy and Procedures (as needed)
Lydia Stewart
?˜ Monthly Internet Newsletter (on going)
?˜ Contact Person (as needed)
?˜ Policy and Procedures (as needed)
L. E. Chamberlain
?˜ Super Neighborhood Action Plan (on going) 2001 and 2002
?˜ Policy and Procedures (as needed)
Pastor Marvin Delaney
?˜ Civic Club Internet Web Page (on going)
?˜ Policy and Procedures (as needed)
?˜ Monthly Leadership Training for the Executive Boards - Minitex, Revelle/Park Place and Sunny Side South Park
Note: There were two articles that appeared in the Houston Chronicle in the, "This Week" section on the Sunny Side/South Park Super Neighborhood.
All board members are volunteering and have the option to pick their own projects or to head a committee. One of the concepts of the super neighborhood is to allow people to participate as they see fit. Executive Board members attended monthly meetings when possible or scheduled.
The executive board meeting schedule is the third Thursday of the month at 6:30pm, the public is welcome. Our locations circulate - South Park Baptist - South Central Clinic - Carnegie Elem.
Our 2002 Calendar will be ready by February 12, 2002.

Sunny Side/South Park Super Neighborhood
December 31, 2001
Committee Activity Report/Activities

Super Neighborhood Action Plan Meeting
Chairman-L.E. Chamberlain
Action Item: Stakeholders input SNAP - 2001 & 2002
Location: Sunnyside Multi Purpose Center - 7:00p
Style: Open with refreshments
Attendance: 101 -- March 8, 2001
Businessman's Breakfast
Chairman-Skipper Lee Frazier
Location: Sunnyside Multi Purpose Center - 7:00am.
Style: Breakfast
Action Item: Contact other Businesses (C o C)
Attendance 5 - September 11, 2001
Crime Prevention and Safety
Chairs Chief C.O. Bradford & Constable Perry Wooten
Action Item: Leadership Orientation - Quarterly Forums
Location: Sterling High School - 10:00am.
Style: Breakfast
Speakers: Asst. Chief C. A. McClelland & Chief Bradford and Constable Wooten's Representative
Attendance: 68 September 15, 2001
Community Development
Chairs: Pastor Acie Jefferson - Margaret Jenkins
Action Item: Leadership Orientation - Clean-Up 6/23/01
Location: Worthing High School - 10:00am.
Style: Breakfast - Speaker: Robin Blunt - Keep Houston Beautiful
Attendance: 73 - September 29, 2001
Sunny Side/South Park and Minitex Town Meeting
Action Item: Report from City Department Heads
Location: Sunnyside Multi Purpose Center - 7:00pm.
Style: Open seating - Speaker Mayor Lee P. Brown
Attendance: 80 - October 11, 2001
Emergency and Disaster
Chairs Delores Hadnot - Captain Jim Leginton
Action Item: Leadership Orientation - Area Volunteers (61) to be trained by the Southeast Branch Red Cross
Location: Worthing High School - 10:00am.
Style: Breakfast - Speaker: Mayor Lee P. Brown
Attendance: 78 - October 20, 2001
During our first two years we focused on SNAP and informing the civic club presidents and connecting technical support. (Stanley Ikpo, Wanda Adams, Matt Thibeaux and Allen Parker). Special thanks to Dexter Hoskins Fiesta on Cullen, Ella Hill, Randle ,Broussard and Claudette Edwards for being very supportive of this great community. Mayor Brown thanks everyone for his or her participation with Neighborhood Oriented Government. More Information: 713-734-3599.
Sunny Side/South Park Super Neighborhood

New By-Laws

About our association


Executive Board/Agenda/Meeting Format

Charles X White, President
Miller Ray, First Vice President
(Election to be held)- Appointments will be made by 10/17/02 - Second Vice President
(Election to be held) - Appointment wil be made by `0/17/02 - Third Vice President
(Election to be held) Appointment will be made by 10/17/02 - Secretary
Charles Cave, Assistant Secretary
Reverend Andrew Burks Jr. Correspondence Secretary
Rodney Jones, Treasurer
Reverend Marvin Delaney, Parliamentarian

All board members are encourgaged to submitt additional policies or procedures to improve our efforts.


Sunny Side/South Park Super Neighborhood
Executive Board Meeting * Date _____________
Standard Agenda

I. Meeting called to order at ___ AM. ___ PM. Meeting called to order by_____________________________
· Roll Call done by_____________________________________
· Reading of Minutes by______________________________________
· Discussion
· Corrections
· Vote to Accept Minutes Approved___ Yes___ No___ Abstained____ Absent____ AWC____
· Presidents Report
· Discussion
· Vote Approved ___ Yes ___ No ___ Abstained ___ Absent ___
· Committee Reports
· Religious
· Business
· Non-Profit
· Houston Community College
· Houston ISD-South
· Houston ISD-South Central
· Civic Clubs
· Discussion
· Vote Approved ___ Yes___ No ___ Abstained ___ Absent___
II. Other Business
· Discussion
· Vote Approved____ Yes ___ No___ Abstained ___ Absent ___
III. Old Business
· Discussion
· Vote Approved ___ Yes___ No ___ Abstained ___ Absent ___
iv. New Business
· Discussion
· Vote approved ___ yes ___ No ___ Abstained ___ Absent ___
V. Announcements
VI. Roundtable Evaluation of meeting
VII. Review of actions from meeting
VIII. Adjourn at ___AM. ____PM.

Frequent reasons for poor board meetings: insufficient time to review materials before meeting; insufficient member participation and poor time management during the meeting. Will encouage the executive board and all presidents to participate with our leadership training series.


Sunny Side/South Park Super Neighborhood
Minutes ____/____/00 Officers Meeting
i. Meeting called to order at ___ AM. ___PM. Meeting called to order by_____________________________
· Roll Call done by_____________________________________
· Reading of Minutes by______________________________________
· Discussion

· Corrections

· Vote to Accept Minutes Approved___ Yes___ No___ Abstained____ Absent____ AWC____
· Presidents Report

· Discussion

· Vote Approved ___ Yes ___ No ___ Abstained ___ Absent ___
· Committee Reports

· Religious

· Business

· Non-Profit

· Houston Community College

· Houston ISD-South

· Houston ISD South Central

· Civic Clubs

· Discussion

· Vote Approved ___ Yes___ No ___ Abstained ___ Absent___
II. Other Business

· Discussion

· Vote Approved____ Yes ___ No___ Abstained ___ Absent ___
III. Old Business

· Discussion

· Vote Approved ___ Yes___ No ___ Abstained ___ Absent ___
iv. New Business

· Discussion

· Vote approved ___ yes ___ No ___ abstained ___ absent ___
v. Announcements

vi. Roundtable Evaluation of meeting

vii. Review of actions from meeting

viii. Adjourn at ___am. ____PM.

Officers Signatures:

1st Vice President ______________________________
2nd Vice President ______________________________
3rd Vice President_______________________________
Secretary ________________________________
Assistant Secretary ___________________________
Correspondence Secretary __________________________
Treasurer ____________________________________
Parliamentarian _________________________________


General Stakeholders Council

Civic Clubs
To be enter at a later date
School District
* Houston Independent School District South Centrl
* Houston Independent School District South
Higher Education
* Houston Community College - Central Campus
* Retail
* Wholesale
* Marketing
* Manufactoring
* Distribution
* Social Service
* Youth
* Health
* Community Development Corporation
* Community Base Providers
Religious Groups
* Southern Baptist
* National Baptist USA
* National Baptist of America
* Catholic
* Church of God In Christ
* Church of God
* Muslim

Committees and Chair

Clean Up -- Miller Ray
Youth -- Sandra Hines
Education -- Dr. Don Conner
Business --
Ethics -- Willie Belle Boone
Leadership Development Series -- Lorine Clark

All committees are encouraged to submitt policies and procedures that will help improve our efforts.

Old By-Laws -- 2002 -2004 To be posted

The name of the organization shall be SUNNYSIDE/SOUTH PARK SUPER NEIGHBORHOOD.
The SUNNYSIDE/SOUTH PARK SUPER NEIGHBORHOOD is bounded on the North by Loop 610, on the South by City of Houston city limits, on the West by South Freeway (S.H. 288) and on the East by Mykawa Road.
The purpose of this organization is to create a broad-based neighborhood forum where residents and stakeholders come together to discuss issues impacting their neighborhood. The organization will seek to provide citizens with opportunities such as, social and economic development, educational and recreational facilities, cultural experiences, job training, and affordable housing.

The SUNNYSIDE/SOUTH PARK SUPER NEIGHBORHOOD membership is open to any stakeholder within our designated boundaries (see article II), and contiguous areas as defined by the City of Houston. Participation in the SUNNYSIDE/SOUTH PARK SUPER NEIGHBORHOOD shall, in no way, is limited by the imposition of membership fees. SUNNYSIDE/SOUTH PARK SUPER NEIGHBORHOOD prohibits the exclusion of any individual or organization based on race, creed, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation or national origin from participating in super neighborhood council activities or serving as a council member. Stakeholder, as defined in the City of Houston Super Neighborhood map.

Section 4.1 Stakeholders Participation:
Stakeholders include groups like civic clubs, neighborhood block associations, non-profits, tenant associations, and community development corporations. Other neighborhood entities such as businesses, schools, churches and hospitals should be represented through their umbrella organizations and coalitions rather than as single entities. Where there is no coalition organization, one could be formed and a representative elected to serve on the super neighborhood council. This will also encourage enhanced cooperation and collaboration between similar groups. For example, instead of a bank president, the chair of the local chamber of commerce would be preferred.
Section 4.2 Voting Members shall include:
1. Religious Associations (1)vote per Denominations/Association)
2. Business Associations (1)vote per - category:
a) Retail
b) Wholesale
c) Manufacturing
d) Distribution
e) Marketing
3. Non Profit Association (1) vote for non-profits per-category:
a) Community Based Service Providers
b) Youth Service Providers
c) Medical Service Providers
d) Social Service Providers
e) Community Development Corporations
4. Houston Community College Central College (1 vote)
5. Houston ISD - South and South Central Districts (1 vote per district)
6. Civic Clubs existing and newly formed Civic Clubs registered must be registered with the City of Houston. New members voting privileges are effective 30 days after joining the SUNNYSIDE/SOUTH PARK SUPER NEIGHBORHOOD council.

The elected officers of the SUNNYSIDE/SOUTH PARK SUPER NEIGHBORHOOD council shall consist of President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Third Vice President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Correspondence Secretary, Parliamentarian and the Treasurer.

Section 5.1 - The president shall preside over all general and executive committee meetings. The president shall have the authority to conduct meetings and to maintain order. The president shall appoint all committee chairs.

Section 5.2 - The first vice president shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the president. The vice president shall assist the president, perform various duties and also serve on committees as assigned by the president.

Section 5.3 - The second vice president shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the president and first vice president.

Section 5.4 - The third vice president shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the president and second vice president.

Section 5.5 - The secretary shall keep accurate record of proceedings of all meetings, submit minutes for membership approval at the next meeting. The secretary shall also attend to general correspondence, when applicable, act as custodian of all records, as well as maintain current membership information, including notification of members of time and place of meeting, and also maintain attendance records.

Section 5.6 - The correspondence secretary shall assist the assistant secretary in the performance of his/her duties of the secretary in his or her absence. He or she must review and attend to all incoming and outgoing correspondence of the council. In the absence of the secretary the corresponding secretary shall assume the duties of the secretary.

Section 5.7 - The assistant secretary shall assist the assistant and correspondence secretary in the performance of his/her duties in the absence of the assistant and correspondence secretary the assistant secretary will perform the duties of both secretary and correspondence secretary.

Section 5.8 - The treasurer shall keep accurate record of all financial transactions, receive all monies, and deposit all funds in the bank. This officer will disburse monies as authorized by the council. The treasurer shall present a report of finances at each general meeting of the council. The treasurer shall submit the books and record to the Audit Committee when asked. He or she shall not serve as a member of the Audit Committee.

Section 5.9 - Elections shall be held every two years.
Section 5.10 - No member shall hold more than one (1) office at a time.
Section 5.11 - Any vacancy in an office shall be filled by a special election. Election notices must be posted 30 days prior to the election. Officers elected to fill any vacancy shall assume office at the first meeting following the special election and shall hold office until the next regular election of officers.

Section 5.12 - Any officer, who fails to meet the obligations and responsibilities of his or her office, may be removed from the office by a majority votes, with a quorum of voting members present. Removable acts: None attendance to three consecutive meetings without notification.

Section 5.13 - majority shall elect All officers with a quorum present.

Section 5.14 - Quorum; shall consist of two thirds of the members identified in article IV.
ARTICLE VI - Non-Profit Status
6.1 - The SUNNYSIDE/SOUTH PARK SUPER NEIGHBORHOOD is organized exclusively for charitable, civic, educational cultural, affordable housing and general community improvement, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers or other private persons, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article Three hereof. No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the corporation shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporations exempt from federal income tax under section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by a corporations to which are deductible under section 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code. Upon the dissolution of the corporation, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of sections 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of and future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government. Or a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such asset not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the County in which the principal office of the corporations then located, exclusively for such purpose or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.
In witness whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names of this document.
At a meeting of the members at which a quorum was present, February 3, 2000.
Section 7.1 - The general meeting of the council shall be held a minimum of twelve (12) times a year. Regular meetings of this organization shall be held on every second Saturdays of the month. The Annual meetings shall be held in January of each year and shall include year-end financial reports, installation of new officers and any other organizational business that shall arise. (Saturday may be amended)
Section 7.2 - All council activities will be conducted in open meetings, where all residents and stakeholders may observe and participate under defined circumstances. Example, speaking for a designated amount of time at a meeting. Members will be responsible for getting a copy of the minutes from the secretary for discussion at their local civic association.

Sections 7.3 - The fiscal year shall begin in January 1 and end December 31.

Section7.4 - In the event that the general meeting falls on a legal holiday, the time and date of the general meeting shall be set by the president at the preceding general meeting with the consent of the council.
Section 7.5 - A simple majority of the council members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at a general meeting.
Section 8.1 - Committees shall be established as the need arises by the council.
Section 8.2 - The committee chairperson shall appoint committee members.
Section 9.1 - These by-laws may be amended as needed in writing as needed. Amendments must be presented at a meeting of the council, read and approved by a two-thirds (2/3)-majority vote at two (2) consecutive meetings at which a quorum is present.

Adopted by the Officers --- Date:
At Houston, Texas


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