Marlborough Mesa


May 13, 2005

In This Issue:

MM Neighborhood Meeting and
Spay/Neuter/Release Project
Printing Problems
Summer Workshops for Youth
2005 Easter Egg Hunt Memories
Painted Fire Hydrants
Seen this posted brochure about cats?
Now for dogs
Weeds, Appearance of Property and Volunteers
Security Lighting for our Neighborhood
Treasurer?’s Report
Buyer Beware
Neighborhood Crime Review
MM Classifieds

MM Neighborhood
Meeting Report and
Spay/Neuter/Release Project

By Robin R. Gipper

The biannual Marlborough Mesa Neighborhood Meeting was opened and moderated by Mike Renshaw, a Neighborhood Outreach Coordinator with the City of Mesa. Mike brought a microphone to assist all participants being heard.

Mesa Police Lt. Steve Lieber and Sgt. Ken Cost addressed the gathering of nearly 100 residents regarding concerns of properties on Portobello, Pecos and Emerson. New renters now occupy the Portobello and Pecos properties; the case regarding the homicide has yet to get to trial. The Emerson properties are still under investigation. Lt. Lieber told us that statistically, Marlborough Mesa has extremely low rates of crime. On the subject of mail theft, if anyone sees this in progress they should call 911.

Diane Brady, Animal Control Supervisor for the City addressed the group and provided literature with regard to barking/ loose dogs and the serious problem we are experiencing with feral cats.

Denise Stravia, a representative with the non-profit organization AzCATs, also addressed the residents and brought literature to share on their method of trap, neuter, and return (TNR). Following her informative and passionate presentation, five volunteers came forward to work toward implementing the program as outlined. The coordinator for the volunteers, Dale Howell, is a new resident of Marlborough Mesa with apparent energy and enthusiasm for taking on this new leadership roll. Ms. Stravia was so impressed with Marlborough Mesa as a model neighborhood that she proposed and was accepted to use this project as a research study on their method of TNR. Due in part to the well defined boundaries and the interest and cooperation of the residents, she feels this is the perfect location to follow the effectiveness.

(This topic is continued further toward the end of this newsletter.) See the brochure that has been posted around MM and the article regarding the spay/neuter process. This is in the printed version only.)

Printing Problems

As of this printing, due to cutbacks from the City, we no longer may have printing privileges. Our cost for this newsletter alone is: $248.37 (6 pages at 8?¢ (w/discount) per page x 480 copies).

We need HELP ?… an outside source that we can give credit to or we must discontinue this means of communication. Ideas? Call 480-831-1525.

Summer Workshops for Youth

Throughout the year, Marlborough Mesa is filled with neighborhood activities - and this summer is no exception! As a pilot program offered for summer 2005, several workshops will be organized for Marlborough Mesa kids ages 8 & up. To date, four neighborhood experts have volunteered to teach workshops that will guide children in such activities as leatherworking, anime art, scrap booking, and jewelry making. All workshops will be located in Marlborough Mesa. Registration is required and seating is limited. If you?’re looking for something fun for your children to participate in this summer, join us for MM workshops! The deadline for registration is Wednesday, June 1, 2005.

Leatherworking ?– learn the art of leatherworking in this progressive workshop. Each session, participants will learn carving and stamping techniques through making a leather coaster set and wallet. Cost: $24 per child (4-week workshop). This covers materials and tools. Seating is limited to 5 and first priority is given to kids ages 10 & up. Girls & boys encouraged to apply.
Date/Time: Wed. June 8, 15, 22, 29 from 6:30 ?– 8:30p.m.
Instructor & Location: Jim Jones @ 1031 W. Posada.

Anime Cartoon Art ?– learn the secrets of anime art design as you create your own characters. Children will work with acrylics on canvas board to design original anime or manga artwork. No prior art experience required. Cost: $20 per child (4-week workshop). This covers cost of materials. Seating limited to 10 and priority given to kids ages 10 and up.
Date/Time: Tues. June 7, 14, 21, 28 from 10:00a.m. ?– 12:00 noon
Instructor & Location: Marsha Gilliam @ 1031 W. Posada.

Scrap Booking ?– want to get creative with your pictures? Scrap booking is a fun and easy way to remember your favorite vacation, friends, or family.
Cost: $12 per child (4-week workshop) plus purchase of an 8x8 acid-free scrapbook album required prior to attending. **Craftmart 40% off coupons available through AZ Republic & in coupon mailers. Seating limited to 10 and priority given to kids ages 8 and up.
Date/Time: Tues. June 7, 14, 21, 28 from 2:00p.m. ?– 4:00p.m.
Instructor & Location: Alma Jones @ 1031 W. Posada.

Jewelry Making 101 ?– Create your own jewelry and use color schemes to express your own personal flair. Cost $8 per child per session covers all materials. Seating limited to 5 for kids ages 8 and up. Attend one or both sessions.
Date/Time: Wed. July 20 & 27 from 6:00 ?– 8:00p.m.
Instructor & Location: Renee Coelho @ 3047 S. Spruce.

**Quilting and Cooking classes tentative in July. If you have a unique talent you would like to share, please contact Shawna Carey (480) 491-0021 for volunteer information. We are still in need of instructors for July. If your child is interested in attending any or all workshops, please mail or drop-off the following registration information to:

Shawna Carey
3047 S. Spruce
(480) 491-0021

Summer Workshops for Youth
Registration Form
Deadline for Registration: Wednesday, June 1st
Please Print

Child?’s Name (First & Last): _________________________________________________

Additional Child Name (First & Last): _________________________________________________

Parent Name: _________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________

Phone: _________________________________________________

Age: _________________________________________________

Class(es) Attending (please circle):
make checks payable to Debbie Glick, Treasurer)

Class Cost Session Dates Time

I.Leatherworking $24 (4 wk. session)
June 8, 15, 22, 29 6:30 ?– 8:30p.m.

II.Anime Art $20 (4 wk. session)
June 7, 14, 21, 28 10:00a.m. ?– noon

III.Scrap Booking $12 (4 wk. session)
June 7, 14, 21, 28 2:00 ?– 4:00p.m.

IV.Jewelry Making $8 (each session)
July 20 & 27 6:00 ?– 8:00p.m.

*I am interested in Quilting in July: y n
**I am interested in Cooking in July: y n

2005 Easter Egg Hunt Memories
By Linda Murphy

Once again our Easter Egg Hunt participants had to brave the rain, but everyone still had a great time. We gave away goody bags to all the kids sixth grade and under, along with mini-prizes and three grand-prizes. Below are the grand-prize winners:

4 and under winner, Noah on Pampa
5 to 7 yrs, winner, Angelica on Mollera
8 to 6th grade winner, Tyler on Spruce

As always, without a lot of great volunteers this event could not happen. Terry and Shawna Carey helped haul all the supplies back and forth, Craig and Susanne Weaver did a great job cooking hot dogs, Diane LeFevre and Anna Covarrubias handled the prize table with their usual style and elegance. Kelly Wendel helped with the soda coolers. The race went smoothly with the help of some neighborhood teenagers ?– thanks to all.

We always extend a big thanks to the businesses that help us like Jeepers and Safeway (for Easter 2006).

Have you seen the poster about cats? It has been posted in many areas of MM.

You can help in this endeavor. We are partnering with AzCATS to do the humane thing by our furry friends. Dale Howell, long time advocate of ?“karing for kitties?” is taking on the coordinating of this event.

By Dale Howell

Fliers have been posted throughout Marlborough Mesa, but no one has called! I will be going door to door for the next two weeks trying to identify people who will allow us to trap feral and stray cats that live in the neighborhood. We want to TRAP THE CATS the evening of JUNE 1st. They will all be taken to a spay/neuter clinic the morning of JUNE 2nd for STERILIZATION. They will then be brought back to the neighborhood that same day and released. This will stabilize our cat population, reduce the male cat spraying and the late night mating noises!

PLEASE, if you have questions or can volunteer a few hours (or use of a pickup truck!) on June 1st, call DALE HOWELL at 480-262-1751. THE CATS WILL NOT BE HARMED! This is the only way that EVERYBODY WINS!

Note: We have had nearly 40 responses from residents who clearly HAVE cat problems. Let?’s get behind this young lady who is out to help us all and care for the cats as well. She needs to hear from YOU. She needs some volunteers and a truck. This will take only a small portion of a day for you ?– she has spent countless hours.

Now ?– for dogs ?…

I have had plenty of emails about those barking dogs. At the neighborhood meeting we learned from the Animal Control Officer that this is indeed ?–unlawful. A few pointers they gave to keep peace:

1. Train your dog NOT to bark
2. Talk w/neighbors to resolve issues
3. Turn on a recorder to see if your dog is
barking while you are away
4. Bring the dog inside
5. Move the dog to another yard location
6. Use a ?“bark collar?” to train your dog ?–

To report a barking dog problem, call police at 480-644-2211. If you want to remain anonymous, you must provide exact address of the dog owner. (The dog does not have to be barking at the time of your call.) An ACO will respond and talk w/the owner. If the problem continues, ask for further steps you may need to take.

Painted Fire Hydrants

A request was made to have the MM fire hydrants painted.

Mark Freeman from the Mesa Fire Department has made contact with us and an Eagle Scout Troup will be painting them all beginning sometime in the next month.

Appearance of Properties and Volunteers

The weeds are just not disappearing by themselves. The City of Mesa Code Compliance Dept. has had several complaints. You don?’t have to spend money to make your yard and home look tidy ?– just a little work.

There are several dilapidated mailboxes, broken/warped garage doors and yard fences, broken brick walls, etc. that just need a fresh coat of paint. As I hear from many neighbors throughout a month, it is really frustrating to those who keep their homes/yards in good order and to have other homes around them not being maintained. It seems like we could just use a little "spring cleaning" around the neighborhood.

If you need help and are an elderly person or have had medical problems, please don?’t be afraid to ask ?– that is what neighbors are for and many have said they would help. Contact any of our leaders.

We also need to hire a teen or get a volunteer for our entrance weed problem this summer at Pecos and Alma School and sometimes at Pampa and Alma School. If you are interested, please contact one of our leaders.
(Names are located in the box on the last page of this newsletter.)

Security Lighting
for our Neighborhood

We are not certain of the funding for this project yet, but we have applied. If all goes well there are monies out there for making our neighborhood a little safer by lighting it up better in those dark spots.

Once we know we have the monies for this project, we will need a coordinator for it ?– someone who will take this and see it thru. You will have lots of help from individual residents whose homes these motion detectors will be placed. Please consider this ?– it is for the safety of all of us and our children as we walk our streets at night. Call me (Alma) at 480-831-1525 or email if you want to see this project thru.

If we have no coordinator for this ?– we will have no other lighting than what we have had for over 25 years.

Treasurer?’s Report

By Debbie Glick
As of 5/1/05, the neighborhood funds account is at $1,097.56.

Buyer Beware!

We have had some problems lately with people hiring contractors without licenses.

Do NOT give any money up front and do just a bit of homework to find if they are licensed and bonded through the Registrar of Contractors.

Neighborhood Crime Review

There?’s a new ?“kid on the block?”. Many of you may have received it for the last 3 months. The founder of the Neighborhood Crime Review has been a local Police Officer for 7 years and saw a need for neighborhoods to receive current information regarding crime. All of the information contained in this newsletter is public information obtained from a variety of sources.

It includes sex offender photos, description of major crimes, crime stats, types, where and when they occurred.

The cost is $35 for an entire year. You can subscribe individually but our neighborhood committee members are considering it to use and report this type of thing in our own newsletter. If you have an opinion of this, please let one of our leaders know.

We are Beat 12 and during the month of March, crimes that occurred are:

1. Credit Card Fraud, 1000 block Portobello
2. Vehicle Burglary, 1000 blk Pecos
3. Criminal Damage, 900 blk Posada

We have one known sex offender, with his picture in the printed version of this newsletter.


FURNITURE: 2 dark green leather recliners: $50 ea or $75 both. Sofa: 96-inch in good condition, colors-rust and gold, $75. Walnut coffee table: $25. Email or call 480-390-7980 to arrange to see.

SOFA table, computer desk, computer including printer and various win98 software, large southwest area rug, small oak table/stand. No reasonable offer refused, must sell. Denise 480-456-1522.

FULL size Pool Table for sale with 2 racks, sticks and cover included. $600

DOG carrier for medium to large dog. Good condition. $40. Call Dan or Carol, (408) 497-2894, on Pampa.

WANTED: Looking for lawn maintenance guy who does work in our community. His name is Ken Montefura. His telephone number is what I need. Please phone or email John Goullet at 480-636-7499 /

CHERRY dining room set includes table w/leaves/pads, 6 chairs, china cabinet with mirrored back/glass shelves, server cabinet beautifully carved, excellent condition, hardly used! Entire set $2500 obo. Must see! Call Angela or Mark 480-820-5379

To Vote
May 17

Neighborhood Website Address:

For info concerning this newsletter, please contact the editors/publishers:

Jim and Alma Jones 1031 W. Posada
480-831-1525 or 602-321-1139

Other neighborhood contacts are:

Sandy and Michael Scully, 2810 S. Emerson,
480-345-9823 or 480-250-7750.

Linda and Mike Murphy, 3048 S. Spruce,

Membership in this website is private. Request membership access .
Mesa, Arizona 85210

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