Marlborough Mesa

MARCH 2001

Feb 16, 2003

Saturday, March 31, 2001
After posting on our website and sending email messages to everyone to inquire which date would be best for this event, the above date has been set.

This should be a big event, since it is spring and ?“Spring Clean Up?” is happening everywhere! We know everyone realizes it will be a very busy day with a lot of traffic ?– we just need to prepare for it and be cautious about where the children are playing.

This will help us to ?“clear out our closets and garages?” and be ready for the Clean Sweep Dumpsters that are coming beginning April 3rd.

Debbi and Dale Ballard (Posada) will be placing an ad in the Tribune for all of our benefit as their contribution to the neighborhood. Thank you both!

NOW -- we need a couple of volunteers to post signs at all our entrances. Please call 831-1525 if YOU can help. We also have 4 wooden stand signs.

SPEED HUMPS ?– Peralta
by Becky Anderson (Peralta)

We have a correction on the speed humps. The City of Mesa finds that we do qualify for the 3rd speed hump. The new locations will be at 1033, 951 and 851 Peralta. They will go in after our resurfacing.


The Pampa/Alma School residents by Marlborough Park would like to ask for your cooperation with driving the speed limit on their street. The street has two dangerous curves. Young drivers like to get their speed up and slide around these curves. Many times drivers have lost control and slid into driveways, yards and the Marlborough Park in which small children are always playing.

We would like to ask that if you have a young driver in your home to please talk to them. What may be pure fun at the moment may turn into property damage or a fatality.


by Thaine Crown (Posada)

A Fast-Track Grant was awarded to Marlborough Mesa for this event in the amount of $300 thanks to Renee?’ Coelho, Linda Murphy and Sandy Scully.

Who says there is no such thing as a FREE lunch? Thanks to the grant from United Way, our little community in the metropolis, Marlborough Mesa, is planning a neighborhood egg hunt and lunch in the park on Saturday, April 14th, 11:00 am. It is hoped that all neighbors plan to come and join the fun.

For this to be successful, we NEED to count how many will be in attendance BEFORE March 9th. Please RSVP with this information to:
Sandy Scully (Emerson) at 345-9823 OR
Tell us: How many children? ______
How many adults? ______

Planning any event is made difficult by the uncertainty of NOT knowing how many will attend. For example, if we were left to guess how many adults and children will participate in the egg hunt and lunch, then we may be left short or long on the number of eggs to hide, number of prizes, special hidden eggs and the amount of food purchased. This is not a reservation, but merely a helpful means to plan the event. Thank you in advance for your help.

Our next planning session is March 10th at 1 pm at the Park. If you would like to help ?– please come.

Help Has Arrived

We ask for some help in passing out the newsletter on a couple of our streets. That help has come by way of Brian and Diana Romberg (Emerson), who will take Portobello from Emerson to Mollera and Meg and Bruce Bergeson (Osage) who will care for their street. Craig and Beverly Solomon (Pecos) will be helping as they are needed on any street.

by Sandy Scully (Emerson)

Back in September of 2000 at the Neighborhood Meeting held at the Dobson Library, there was concern about our school buses pulling out in heavy traffic on Alma School and Guadalupe.

I have since contacted Diane, Routing Coordinator for Mesa school buses. Diane, formerly a school bus driver herself, is very aware of situations faced each day by our bus drivers.

She tells me there have been no accidents by bus drivers pulling out on these streets. The traffic signals provide a gap in traffic that allows them to make their turns ?… or the drivers can at least get in the turn lane and then merge safely with traffic.

Re-routing the buses to the signal at Extension and Guadalupe would not be any safer since the drivers would still be making left turns. The downside that drivers encounter at signal lights is that many times they are detained for 2, 3, or 4 lights causing the drivers to drop off the children late at school.

The bus drivers are not able to pick up the children earlier in the morning because they pick up the high school students and drop them off by 7:15 in the morning already.

Diane mentioned that a traffic signal at Pecos and Alma School might make it easier but unless the drivers have an accident or constant problems getting onto Alma School or Guadalupe making the bus late for school, the routes will remain the same.


Becky Chvarak (Pampa) will be putting together the ?“ingredients?” for the Marlborough Welcome Baskets. Up until now, we have only been able to have Welcome Packets. Becky is very talented and has already ?“packaged?” 5 baskets.

We do not need many of these baskets, but we need them large enough for a folder 9 ?½ x 11 ?½ to fit ?– plus all the other items. Sooo, don?’t through away those Easter Baskets just yet! Bring them by 1031 W. Posada and I will see that Becky gets them. Chances are most of the residents have never seen these Welcome Baskets. We will be bringing one to the park for the Easter Egg Hunt and Picnic on 4-14-2001. For those who will not be at the picnic, a picture of one basket is in the newsletter online.

Already some nice people dropped off a couple of baskets at our home. Only thing is ?… I don?’t know WHO to thank??? Perhaps the ?“Early?” Easter Bunny! (Becky will put them to good use.)


Several people who LIVE here in Marlborough have taken advantage of our new Welcome Baskets by placing a little something of value into them. In turn, their business card is attached ?– thus new residents ?“know where to go?” for these goods and services. Please consider this ?– call 831-1525.

If you own a business and would like to ?“advertise?” in this way ?– the cost is certainly affordable! Those who are taking advantage of this so far are: Becky Chvarak (Gold Canyon Candle), Cecil Duarte (Realtor), Michele Geramanis (Pampered Chef) & Mary and Roy Rednour (Lawn Mower/GoKarts).

Our local Safeway (Guad./Alma Sch.) always include something, as well as APS, SRP and the various departments of the City of Mesa.

Gentle Reminder
This is a plea from many of your Marlborough Neighbors: Please remember to take a doggie bag when you walk your dogs and pick up after them. You cannot realize just how many people know who ?“forgets?” that little bag.


Ginger Richter (Obispo), our Clean Sweep Coordinator, has signed up Marlborough with the City of Mesa again this year to have the Clean Sweep Dumpsters brought to our neighborhood.

They will be on your street on one of the following days: April 3 thru 6, 4 thru 7, 9 thru 12 & 10 thru 13.
This will be as it was last year with each container remaining for 3 days only. No containers will be left over a weekend.

When you use these, please be considerate of others as well as the City policies. DO NOT OVERLOAD ?– the City has signs posted on each container as to how full they may be. DO NOT place any of the following in these dumpsters:
Any liquid waste, Appliances with freon
Remodeling debris (tile, carpet, drywall)
Rock/dirt, gravel, concrete, bricks, etc.
Construction materials, Tires or batteries
Any hazardous waste (oil, anti-freeze, paint)

We are allowed to sign up for these 2 times per year. With your cooperation, they will be here again in October if we follow the above rules.


Do keep tabs on this site. We definitely have had an increase in the zip code 85210. Fortunately, they are VERY north of us. Check our website often at:
under Police/Safety for pics/add. of all sex offenders.


They?’re baaack ?… the statues on Main Street in downtown Mesa. This is the second year for these bronze statues located on the sidewalks of the downtown shops and businesses. They are not the same statues as last year, which makes it even more worthwhile to see. The young girl with the hulla hoop is priceless! You must SEE them to appreciate these works of art. There are also a few of them on adjacent streets.

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