The MFMC is raising funds for our community for special projects that our annual funds can not cover. One of those special projects is replacing playground equipment.

There is a lot of steps involved starting with getting the playground equipment inspected in each of the 3 parks that MFMC is responsible.

One of our board members have been working the UD concession booths for over 11 years and was responsible for raising funds for local high school athletic teams. She has since stepped down from that role and is now working to help our community with raising funds.

For each event we need anywhere from 8 to up to 20 volunteers. We appreciate any resident that can volunteer to help make our community better!

Here is the signup link:   Mansion Farm Community: UD Concession Stands (

Uniforms are jeans, sneakers, no jewelry and hair pulled back. T-shirts, hat/hairnet and credentials will be provided.

We will continue to signup to work events November through March/April. Volunteers must be in high school. Students can earn volunteer hours for NHS, college applications or some colleges require volunteer hours throughout the semester. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to

Thank you,

MFMC Board Members